Laziz Kudratov (Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Laziz Kudratov

Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Toivo Klaar (Ambassador at EU Delegation to Uzbekistan)

Toivo Klaar

Ambassador at EU Delegation to Uzbekistan
Andi Aranitasi (Director, Head of Uzbekistan at EBRD)

Andi Aranitasi

Director, Head of Uzbekistan at EBRD


Céleste Laporte Talamon (Policy Analyst at OECD)

Céleste Laporte Talamon

Policy Analyst at OECD
Davide Monguzzi (Senior Loan Officer presso European Investment Bank (EIB))

Davide Monguzzi

Senior Loan Officer presso European Investment Bank (EIB)


Ibrokhim Kosimkhodjaev (Head of Strategy Department at Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Ibrokhim Kosimkhodjaev

Head of Strategy Department at Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan