
EUROUZ initiates Intellectual Property & Legal Committee (IP&L), which is designed to unify professionals and organizations across Uzbekistan and the European Union, focusing on intellectual property (IP) rights, legal frameworks, and compliance. The committee's primary goal is to provide a forum for discussing and addressing the key legal challenges faced by businesses, especially concerning IP rights, corporate law, and cross-border legal issues. It will also serve as the internal legal advisory point, assisting all other committees within EUROUZ.


16:00 - 16:20
Opening Remarks
• Opening remarks by the Chairperson
• Introduction of the meeting participants
• Overview of the meeting objectives
• Introduction of the Committee Rules
16:20 - 17:10
Committee Overview
• Description of the EUROUZ Intellectual Property & Legal Committee• Discussion of the goals of the Committee• Identifying key directions for the Committee• Identifying key stakeholders from...
• Description of the EUROUZ Intellectual Property & Legal Committee
• Discussion of the goals of the Committee
• Identifying key directions for the Committee
• Identifying key stakeholders from the government institutions, diplomatic missions and research centres
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17:10 - 17:40
Closing Remarks
• Concluding remarks by the Chairperson
• Summary of key points discussed
• Confirmation of the next meeting date and objectives


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Место проведения

International Trade Centre

2nd Floor, 107 Amir Temur Avenue, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Узбекистан

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