Membership Selection

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Tier 5 - Nonprofit organisations / International Business Associations
This is a 12-month membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

As of April 1st 2023 - EUROUZ offers the following terms of cooperation to the European Business Associations, Chambers of Commerce, think tanks & international organisations specifically covering Uzbekistan and at least one of the EEA, EFTA countries or the UK following membership terms:.

By becoming members of EUROUZ, the organisation types listed above will receive the following benefits:

  • Full access to EUROUZ resources in Uzbekistan, including limited GR and advisory support, communication with local third parties (including government) on issues they have requested related to organising multi-company visits, participation in trade shows etc. However, these relevant issues do not relate to partner members' requests and only those related to the activity of the partner organisation itself. The Support is limited to one hour per week by EUROUZ Tashkent office staff members.
  • Full access to EUROUZ meeting facilities and serviced office in Uzbekistan to their and their internal staff and their members limited to one hour per week, subject to written request at least 24 hours in advance and availability of the facilities. Possibility to combine time-period based on mutual agreement.
  • Free access to their nominated board member (primary contact in the EUROUZ ERP system) to EUROUZ all online & offline events open for its members. 
  • Possibility to co-brand all EUROUZ online and offline events subject to demonstrated event advertising to the Partners network of members. Except for highest-level events co-hosted by EUROUZ with the EU or Uzbekistan's government and events reserved for EUROUZ members. Event sponsors will take priority over this offering, however.
  • Organisations that have a minimum of 25 members have the possibility to be represented on the EUROUZ board by nominating a member of the partner's governing board as an advisory (non-voting) member of the EUROUZ board. 
  • Possibility to raise important issues relevant to the partner via EUROUZ at the level of EU official institutions.
  • The possibility of access to open documents, minutes of meetings and detailed discussion subjects raised at the EUROUZ committee meetings (also for partners members organisations).
  • Eligibility for discounts and advantages available for other EUROUZ members for the members of the partner's staff and board members.
  • Partner's paying/active members (subscribed for Partner's membership no less than six full months prior to EUROUZ membership application) benefit from a 10% discount from EUROUZ membership relevant to their organisations.
  • Benefit from a EUROUZ covering costs for joint events and initiatives from a special fund - comprised of the equivalent of 5% of membership fees paid to EUROUZ by companies who are active partner members for no less than six months prior to joining EUROUZ.
  • EUROUZ recommendation to join Partner's membership and events to its members.

  • SELECTIVE OPTION - BASED ON PARTNER'S REQUEST/ Refusal to extend the EUROUZ membership for members who have joined with the benefits provided to the Partner and on the Partner's recommendation but have not extended membership at the Partner's Association/Chamber of Commerce after joining EUROUZ. Unless a written letter obtained from the partner valving the subject right to refusal. (Reciprocal anti-competition mechanism).
Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

EUROUZ is an officially registered entity in Brussels and operates as a non-VAT-paying organization in accordance with EU regulations.

Refund policy: a member who leaves the EUROUZ (due to the early termination of membership or expulsion) shall not be entitled to receive any share in the EUROUZ’s property or the value of such property, including reimbursement of annual membership fees or any other compensation.